Dr. Juan Agustín Valcarce León

Dr. Juan Agustín Valcarce León

domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Barlow & Ortolani test, Congenital Hip Dislocation- Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Barlow & Ortolani test, Congenital Hip Dislocation- Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim


Publicado el 25/3/2014
Educational video describing the Barlow and Ortolani Signs. Hip dislocations.

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Background music provided as a free download from YouTube Audio Library.
Song Title: Every Step

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Kyle Nagle, MD, MPH, shares his knowledge of apophyseal hamstring injuries in adolescent...

Skeletal survey guidelines created for use in young children with fractures


Skeletal survey guidelines created for use in young children with fractures

Skeletal survey guidelines created for use in young children with fractures

A multispecialty panel developed guidelines for when to use an initial skeletal survey in young children with fractures.

Un panel de múltiples especialidades desarrolló pautas sobre cuándo utilizar un estudio óseo inicial en niños de corta edad con fracturas

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Discusión entre pares / 15 yr old male sustained this close #. Better plate or TENS????

15 yr old male sustained this close #.
Better plate or TENS????