Dr. Juan Agustín Valcarce León

Dr. Juan Agustín Valcarce León

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

DDH, displasia del desarrollo de cadera, CHD luxación congénita de cadera / DDH, developmental dysplasia of hip, congenital hip dislocation, CHD



DDH, displasia del desarrollo de cadera, CHD luxación congénita de cadera

In this video, I am giving an overview of DDH. I am describing the pathology and the risk factors of the disease outlining the algorithm for screening of DDH. I will also explain the clinical picture of DDH in different age groups and analyze the findings of ultrasound and XR in cases of DDH. Fianlly, I will mention the different treatment options for DDH.

Courtesy: Dr Amr Abdelgawad, University of Texas,USA

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